Innovative Air Quality Tech Unveiled at CES 2024 and Beyond

From January 9th to 12th, the tech industry's brightest minds traveled to Las Vegas to attend CES 2024 (Consumer Electronics Show). This annual event showcased the latest technology innovations and groundbreaking companies, offering a sneak peek into the future of tech. This year's conference…

Father holding daughter by window

The Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution on Indoor Air Quality

The recent increase in wildfires has dramatically heightened concerns about air quality, both outdoors and indoors. These devastating fires release harmful particulates and pollutants, making the air outside dangerous to breathe. The gasses produced by wildfires can affect outdoor air quality…

Woman standing next to open window; air quality

5 Easy Steps to Preserve Indoor Air Quality

A recent episode of CBS's 60 Minutes shined a spotlight on the importance of maintaining clean indoor air, an aspect that was largely overlooked during the spread of Covid. In today's world, preserving indoor air quality should be a high priority. According to the EPA (United States Environmental…

Aerial view of cement factory with high concrete plant

The Rising Importance of Indoor Air Quality 

Last night, CBS's 60 Minutes aired an episode titled "Indoor air systems crucial in curbing the spread of viruses, say aerosol researchers." This is precisely what the AURA Ion Bar aims to address. Our team of researchers reached the same conclusion, which inspired the creation of Ion Bar.  "The…

selective focus of attractive girl sitting on bed with air purifier on windowsill

Do Air Ionizers Produce Harmful Ozone? 

On their own, negative air ions (NAI) are safe. In fact, they are found in abundance all around us every day. For instance, a pot of boiling water creates significant concentrations of air ions.    Regarding air ionizers specifically, the question of safety is more complicated. Many air ionizers…

Face, thinking and a happy woman outdoor in nature to relax and breath fresh air to relax. Vacation

The Power of Negative Ions

The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot- including our perception of health and wellness. This change accelerated the popularity of air purifiers and clean air initiatives. With increasing awareness of airborne transmission of viruses, people are seeking solutions to ensure their indoor air is as clean…