AURA Employee working on Ion Bar

AURA Ion Bar VS. Covid-19

Amidst the rise of Covid-19, we were urged to mask up, keep our distance, and wash our hands frequently. But as the pandemic unfolded, research showed that the virus could travel through the air well beyond six feet and linger in the air for several hours. In a revealing episode of CBS's 60…

The microbiologist holding the plate contain the fungi colonies; aspergillus

Preventing Aspergillus Fumigatus: Your Guide to a Fungus-Free Environment 

Aspergillus Fumigatus, also known as A. Fumigatus, is a sneaky fungus that could be infecting your environment without your knowledge. This troublemaker in the mold world can cause various health problems if not addressed. In this article, we will discuss what A. fumigatus is, the associated health…

selective focus of attractive girl sitting on bed with air purifier on windowsill

Do Air Ionizers Produce Harmful Ozone? 

On their own, negative air ions (NAI) are safe. In fact, they are found in abundance all around us every day. For instance, a pot of boiling water creates significant concentrations of air ions.    Regarding air ionizers specifically, the question of safety is more complicated. Many air ionizers…

Face, thinking and a happy woman outdoor in nature to relax and breath fresh air to relax. Vacation

The Power of Negative Ions

The COVID-19 pandemic changed a lot- including our perception of health and wellness. This change accelerated the popularity of air purifiers and clean air initiatives. With increasing awareness of airborne transmission of viruses, people are seeking solutions to ensure their indoor air is as clean…

Introducing: AURA Ion Bar™ 

The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally altered our perception of personal safety, particularly in terms of air quality and respiratory health. As the virus spread globally, the importance of maintaining clean, sanitized environments – especially within our homes – became a great concern.…